Sunday, October 24, 2010


“A key aspect of effective teaching is having a plan for what will happen in the classroom each day. Creating such a plan involves setting realistic goals, deciding how to incorporate required materials (course textbooks) and other materials, and developing activities that will promote learning”.

My Opinion

               Make a lesson plan before a class is a great help. Since, without planning you are lost. Why? Because if you do not plan your lesson before a class, your students will notice that you are not prepared with the material. So, planning a lesson is very important, because it means that you are organized, and believe me, being an organized person means that you are a good teacher. Why? Because, this means that you are doing a good job, well trained for the work and demonstrate that you know what you are doing.
               On the other hand, the reading mentions the lesson goals, it says that Lesson goals are most usefully stated in terms of what students will have done or accomplished at the end of the lesson. Stating goals in this way allows both teacher and learners to know when the goals have been reached. This means that if you prepare your lesson before classes, with the corresponding objectives and activities, it is possible that at the end of the class your students will have done or accomplished their goals. So, in order to achieve it, we as teachers should take into account at the moment of doing our lesson plan a set of lesson goals, for example:
Ø  Identify a topic for the lesson.
Ø  Identify specific linguistic content, such as vocabulary and points of grammar or language use, to be introduced or reviewed.
Ø  Identify specific communication tasks to be completed by students.
Ø  Identify specific learning strategies to be introduced or reviewed in connection with the lesson.
Ø  Create goal statements for the linguistic content, communication tasks, and learning strategies that state what you will do and what students will do during the lesson.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Marlen, as you said we as teachers have to be organized and show our students we have everything well planned, but can you imagine get in a class and start teaching without a lesson plan,while you are trying to improvise your students are going to be fooling around , and I can sweare by the end of the class you won't accomplish an activity.
