Monday, October 18, 2010

Fourth week: My teaching experience… Almost finished :)

The last Monday we made the English exam. So after the exam we started with unit 8: “In shape”. Despite, this is one of the last units; they are very excited to work on it. We are studying how to make question using the past tense, and they are learning a lot about it. Sometimes, they get confused with the verbs, but I am trying to give them a lot of practice and activities for them to memorize the verbs.  This past week they did a very good job, they worked hard and learned new vocabulary since we had different activities, we went to farm y we had a fair at school where they learned a lot of new vocabulay, and the most important they understood how to use the past tense. So, this coming week I am very sure they will do the same. They are good students, although I have two more weeks to finish my teaching part with them, I have to recognize that I am going to miss them.


  1. Marlen,

    The last Monday we made the English exam”, the correct usage is "Last Monday we had our English Exam ", or last week the students took their English exam "....but do not use the verb have.

    "I am trying to give them a lot of practice and activities for them to memorize the verbs"

    In learning a second language L2 is the same as learning L1, you do not memorize verbs, teachers have to create nature practices, activities, and tasks which will allow students to work on their language naturally. Memorizing lists of verbs without a propose is not beneficial for L2 learners.

  2. Thank you for your advice Nely, and believe me, what I am doing now during my classes are practices, practices and more practice.
