Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sixth week… My Experience… My last week!

I finished my teaching practice the last Friday. It was a great experience, I learned a lot from the students and I am sure that they learned a lot from me. Although, I have to recognize that some of students need extra help to learn English. I noticed that the problem is that they use to speak all the time in Spanish during the English class; so, that makes them to forget everything they learned in class. I tried to change that by speaking only in English, but it was a little bit difficult, since was hard for some of them to understand some words. I tried to use mimic and drawings to help them, but sometimes it worked, but sometimes not. I think that I would need more time to get them to use English all the time in class. Since with the time, and if the teacher continues talking to them in English, will be easier for them understand different words, and to use only English to communicate themselves in class.
On the other hand, I have to recognize that I worked with a good group. They worked hard and cooperated in each class, and although some of them do not have a good background in English, and all of them use to speak in Spanish during class, I have to say that they learn very fast a new topic. Also, it is very important to mention the material (books) they use. The school uses very useful materials that helps them a lot, since it complement the grammar with interesting topics that call their attention, and I think this is a good way to learn a new language. Also, in each topic I did a lot of practice in order to help them to keep in mind what they learned. I tried to do my best in each class in order to help them to learn, and I had good results, since they learned new vocabulary and grammar while I was there. I learned a lot in this practice, I learned how to apply a lesson plan, and was my first time in front of a group of children; so, it helps me how to act in front of a group of kids. I have to recognize that was great experience and a really love this work, and I hope to continue teaching the next year.


  1. It is true that motivation is very important, but the right resources make the difference. Without resources, motivation soon turns to boredom. It is also true that you can have all the resources in the world, but if the teacher doesn’t know how to use them, or is not creative, resources alone are not enough.
    It is important that educational institutions understand that they have to provide teachers with adequate resources in order to achieve the teaching goals. Unfortunately, public schools lack far behind, and it shows on their results during Ministry exams.

  2. great picture. You seem to enjoy teaching.
