Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Week #6: Language Teaching

I think that in language teaching the teachers should have a good command of their native language, and in case of a second language teaching, the teachers should also have a good command of the language they teach, which is their area of specialization.  They should have an appropriate reading, writing, comprehension, and grammar skills, since they have the responsibility to transmit all that knowledge to their students. Also, it is important to take into account the way the teachers transmit that information, since is not their native language, the teachers should use the correct expression for different terms.

On the other hand, the reading talks about the language learning, it says: “Language learning is a process of discovery. Learner develops ability to use the language for specific communication purposes. Teacher models language use and facilitates students’ development of language skills”. This is very important, because as the reading says, students and teachers are active participants who share responsibility for student’s learning. So, this means that a good teacher is the one that works together, step by step with their students while learning a new language.


  1. Marlen,
    Teaching and learning a language is a process that needs the appropriate climate /environment for a learner to be successful. Students need a purpose to learn and teachers have to facility this process. If students do not see the reason for learning they will try to stop the process. Teachers cannot force a student to learn/internalize a language if they are not ready and do not wish to.

  2. I agree with you Nely, the student should have a purpose to learn. But, I think that in case that the student is not interested in learning, the teacher is responsible to give them that interest, by doing attractive activities where learning is involved.
