Sunday, October 24, 2010

Fifth week: My teaching experience… A new unit

 This past week was different, as we talked during our last class with Nely, I applied the method to speak only in English to my students. Although, I have to admit that for some of them it is very difficult to understand some words, well, you will see it in the video I recorded, since it shows how some of them did not know the numbers of some pages I asked to check. But, this has solution, this can change if I speak to them only in English, and use mimic if they do not understand a word.
On the other hand, I have to say that I am very happy with my group. They work hard in each class and they learn very fast. The last Thursday we finished working on unit 8; so, that is why they had a quiz where all of them had excellent grades, because of the practice we did during class. Now, we are working on unit 9 that is about “Puppets”. They are so excited with this topic, because this coming week they will have to create their own puppet, and create a play with them. I am sad because this is going to be my last week, but I will enjoy it the most.

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