Saturday, November 27, 2010

week #13 Building Community in the Classroom

“The beginning of the year is a time for creating a sense of community, and your room is the gathering place. Here, all children can feel secure, nurtured and supported by the environment, each other, and YOU.”.

My Opinion

I think that building a good community in class from the beginning of the year is very important, since the students learn about loyalty, problem solving, being human, and the most important, they learn about fellowship. On the other hand, it is important to mention that by creating a good community in class, the students learn that there are no physical, racial, and economic differences; they learn how similar they are and the importance of working in groups as a community.
In addition, as teachers we should help the students to feel comfortable in class, by giving them a warm place to learn. But, as the reading says, “The essential element to creating a sense of community in your classroom is YOU! It is not the number of toys and materials or the size of your space that really counts. It is your loving, compassionate attitude towards the children in your classroom family that creates a joyful community”. So, teachers should have the patience and wisdom to teach their students, to build a good community in class.

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