Friday, September 24, 2010

My first teaching experience

I started my teaching practice at the Sistema Educativo Whitman today, and I had my first teaching experience. I started observing different groups during the morning. Then, in the afternoon I went to observe the third grade which is the group I had to teach, and finally I started my teaching experience. I have to admit that was hard, but at the same time helpful. I had time to know my new students and interact with them. At the beginning of the class they were very interested in knowing about me. They asked everything about me, where I live, what I do, where did I learn English, a lot of things. So, after my introduction, we started to work on the topic assigned for the day. I started teaching science; the topic was about rocks and minerals. The students were very interested in the topic, and I have to recognize that they are very active and they love to participate, most of the time when I ask for a volunteer to read a text.  However, I noticed that I need to start working on their concentration. Some of them tend to lose their concentration by doing different thing, for example, some of them were all the time talking with the others, distracting the class. I understand that was my first day, and that is why they don´t show enough respect for me as with the other teachers, since they don´t know me enough, but I did my best to demonstrate them that I am their new teacher and they have to respect me as the other teachers. So, I am sure that with the time, they will learn to respect me, and we will form a great team.


  1. In my opinion teaching kids is more challenging than adults or teenagers. However, if you find they way to catch their attention you'll suceed. Rewards, candies or extra break minutes might be helpful to encoruage them to concentrate (just a little piece of advise, the truth is that I also have to learn a lot :P)

  2. Thank you Natalia for your advice, believe me, I will do that in my next class :)

  3. Marlen,
    Elementary students are a challenge when it comes to class manegement but they are super motivated. You need to set class rules which should have been posted by previous teacher and follow them to the T. Be consistant, and they will follow you. You need to set limites, guidlines and consequences but consistancy is the key. Do not allow students to run your class from the frist day you have to set your class climate not in two week or a month. You get respect as soon as they feel you are in control. So , take over your class.
